Police reports

Concerned citizens have dispatched Livermore Police Department to this property over 160 times in the last 2 years, the majority of which were related to the transient public.  See the shockingly high number of police calls to the proposed location at 4373 East Avenue.  This is before any tiny homes have been constructed.  Imagine how many police calls will occur if they were to be built!

The below report includes nearly 160 police disturbance calls, resulting in 5 arrests.  

For reference, police codes can be found here (not all Livermore codes are indicated, some are specific to Livermore): https://web.stanford.edu/~reneeb/bill/n.radio.code.html#:~:text=Code%201%20Do%20so%20at,No%20further%20assistance%20is%20needed

Among those found in this report include: disturbing the peace, burglary, mentally disturbed person, animal bite, suspicious person, malicious mischeif, suspicious vehicle, and transient services provided.

In the below Livermore Police report, we highlited ALL of the suspected crimes that occurred on a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, and they are highlighted in red.  

Does it seem like a correlation or is it causation?  Is it a mere coincidence that, on the exact days the church offers these services to the homeless that crime spikes?  Wouldn't you think that crime would occur more frequently on Thursday, Friday and Saturday?  

No, in the below report, the level of crime spikes on the exact same days that the church offers shower and laundry services to the homeless:  Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.   

Is it a mere coincidence?  The numbers don't lie.  76.7% of these crimes occurred on the exact same days that the church offers shower and laundry services to the homeless.  

View the data below, and see what you think...  

There are 2 pages to the police report, below.  (click the box with arrow at top-right to view full page, or to download the data and view for yourself)  ALL of the highlighted dates in the 2-page report below are Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday's (the exact same dates that the church offers shower and laundry services.  Mere coincidence or actual causation?  

PR page 1.pdf
PR page 2.pdf

Below, please find a screenshot from the church's website (https://www.asburylive.org/shower-laundry-ministry - downloaded 1/18/22) showing their shower/laundry schedule, which matches up with the crime report, above.  They offer shower and laundry services on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday every week.  Of which, 76.7% of the reported calls to the police happen on...Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.  Pretty coincidental, right?   

Is it a mere coincidence?  Or, actual causation?