Comments from 

concerned citizens 

of Livermore

The below comments were taken from two posts on Facebook (Livermore Rants and Raves), and Nextdoor:

I'm opposed

I am opposed.

I’m opposed. It’s easy for those of you who don’t live in the neighborhood to say otherwise. I have friends that live close by who have seen a lot of unsavory characters, drugs, defecation, abusive mental illness in their neighborhood and should not be subjected around their children, or anyone for that matter.  IT IS REAL.  It will only get worse if the tiny homes are approved.

We don't need these

But many of us don't think the Asbury plan is the right one, and it will likely hurt some more than it helps others. That is not a good plan.

The Tiny Homes at Asbury Church is absolutely the wrong location for this. There are too many schools within less than a mile and the Community Center that provides so many services and activities for our children is across the street. You are absolutely correct about the increases in criminal activity. Already with the services the church provides to help the unhoused on a part time bases had impacted the safety of the surrounding neighborhood. The Church has done nothing to correct this or even express that they are concerned for the wellbeing of the community or children in their research efforts.  They can't manage these services now how will they be able to manage them on a full time permanently bases! Many Churches with open land are being approached with this concept. Goodness Village is successful because it is located away from residential housing and schools.

I share a fence with the church and yes, this is a huge concern.

we are on Buena Vista right across from field and although I love the concept, a residential area is just not the right place for it.

I am opposed

I am opposed

I’m opposed

I agree we are turning into  SF with the homeless hang around all the time

We are beyond the point of taking care of our homeless, we are also taking care of Pleasanton, Dublin, and Tracy's homeless.   Tomorrow it will be a tiny village, then later it will be a tent encampment.

Trouble is, as you know, "affordable" is a misnomer. "Subsidized" (from multiple tax sources with a lot of hustling along the way) is more accurate. The best figure I have for Eden remains at $760,000 per apartment. And the land was free! Tiny Homes at $100K+? We will never solve the problem like this.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, we have a drug problem, not a homeless problem. The government or private establishments can build “tiny homes” or offer “affordable housing” and that WILL NOT solve the problem. People honestly think that affordable housing will just straighten people right up? You think all of a sudden, they will stop buying drugs and start paying rent??? 😂 There are plenty of shelters out there, but they have rules and curfews. People are homeless cause they can’t play by the rules and would rather choose that lifestyle.

I think in order for homeless to have any type of housing built for them just because they’re homeless, they should have to abstain from drugs & be tested regularly. I feel that’s the only way it’s going to help.

We had so many issues finding, needles, pipes, weapons, and stolen goods behind our back fence. Once they cleared out the Walmart creek, all of it stopped. We live near target and back up to the freeway open space corridor.

The problem has just moved, from our backyard to other parts of town. Thanks. However some population has been showing back up.

I am a firm believer in mandatory drug testing for any public program. Meaning welfare, affordable housing, and assistance programs.

Agreed. And we need to tailor outreach efforts accordingly. Addicts who commit crimes should receive mandatory incarceration WITH drug treatment, or they can be expected to repeat.

Not the Livermore I remember

Hi Tyler, like Michael Sugi mentioned: it's not a housing problem, it's a drug addiction and mental disorder problem. All the housing in the world won't help people if you don't treat the underlying conditions.

The mayor of Coronado, CA has implemented a successful program. 1. Enforce basic code (no public intoxication, urinating/deficating on the streets, public camping, etc), and offer services (drug & alcohol addiction treatment and mental health services, and homeless shelters) to those that actually want help. What we've been doing for the last 10-years is clearly not working, as the number of homeless in California is significantly on the rise (while the rest of the country is on the decline) See:

I bought myself a Springfield XD-9 because of a situation very similar to this.

The permission comes when you can walk into a store and take under$900 worth of merchandise and not have a consequences. When you can “camp” where you want, urinate/defecate in the street, because there are no real consequences. When you decide to live outside of societies norms, but still want and take from society. You can steal to buy drugs,get caught with drugs, use drugs and it is no longer a big deal. No felony here, no real consequence , just a cycle of no change. Most homeless steal, all in different ways. If you know, then you know.. if you don’t interact with the homeless, the criminals, the addict or the mentally ill, then you really don’t

unfortunately it's the age of the criminal. They have more rights than law abiding citizens. Coddling and giving handouts to the drug addicted homeless is sure not helping the homeless or crime situation either.

Horrible to feel violated and not safe in your own home or property. This is such a complicated subject. Nobody has the magical answer on how to solve this problem. I do wonder, for the people who not want homeless services or tiny homes in their neighborhoods, where should they be placed in Livermore? I would imagine there would be opposition from people in any neighborhood. Having Livermore as the homeless hub for the Tri Valley and beyond has obviously not worked out well.

those tiny homes at CrossWinds are positive and are also away from a school where children are and are not situated right next to people's homes and neighborhoods.

same saw him twice on Friday and creeped me out.

It is absolutely unacceptable to feel unsafe in your own home. I hope that the needs of the homeowners are heard loud and clear! Not only do people live here but children walk to school in this neighborhood and they deserve to feel safe! The church needs to understand that the people who live in this neighborhood need to come first! I’m so sorry that this happened to you! This is violating and eye opening.

Instead of tiny houses why don't they open a rehab center to get people off of drugs. You can not keep handing things and money and food and housing to the drug addicted and expect things to change. This is only going to make thi go get worse. Give people an opportunity to get off of drugs and the problem may lessen.

it is a choice. The flow will not slow down until the border is closed or until the need of the drug slows. Simple math.

they can not choose to go if there is none or no space in the few that there is. Quit giving hand outs and start giving hand ups. Big difference

Housing first initiatives only work if there are drug treatment centers available and required!

Hi Becky, from the meeting we attended with the church, they stated $2,960,000.00 - $3,600,000.00 just to build, and then another $281,000.00 per year to maintain. That works out to $185,000 - $225,000 per unit to build. And, then $1,463.54 per month, per house for management. They would get money from the HomeKey program (fed and state tax dollars) that they discussed applying for soon.

How do we go about getting involved? The number of homeless people that I am beginning to see in the area really worries me.

WOW this is really sad that the homeless in Livermore is out of control.

This may just be my pessimistic opinion, but the homeless problem will never be addressed because it’s highly beneficial for politicians to keep the homeless on the streets so that they can use that as their platform when elections come around. But then never intend to help after being elected.

This may just be my pessimistic opinion, but the homeless problem will never be addressed because it’s highly beneficial for politicians to keep the homeless on the streets so that they can use that as their platform when elections come around. But then never intend to help after being elected.

Housing is not the problem. It's a drug addiction abuse and mental health disorder problem. There's plenty of money being spent by the homeless industrial complex, that sees the homeless almost as their customers. We've been trying the "housing first" program since the Bush era. It's failed. Great video here:

California gives them a lot of money to be homeless. Alameda county and California has given them more protection than someone paying rent. I clear homeless encampments at work and have talked to a lot of them. The ones that build camps aren't the ones that are mentally ill, they're the ones that choose to do drugs and drink instead of following the rules to stay at a shelter.

I too don’t feel safe with the encampments, as almost every day I was under the train pass by chestnut there’s broken glass constantly and transients huffing paint. I walk with my dogs and have to call the non emergency line so they can come clean so my dogs paws don’t get cut from all the alcohol bottle glass.

Don’t see how I’m mean because I don’t want our towns littered with homeless and alcohol bottles / paint and who knows what else

I actually sent a complaint to the Livermore PD because I started to noticed them camping at Mocha Park. Right by the playground. And I especially worried about Alcohol and Drugs being left around for kids to potentially pick up.

I moved from Sunnyvale/San Jose area and homeless there is out of control. I also noticed that when San Jose cracked down and closed camps that I noticed more springing up over here.

agreed, why are we paying the pastor dude with his non-profit $250k+ ea for a 254sf tiny home that Tuff Sheds will build for $20k ea? 

The church is getting money from someone… I asked this question at the neighbor meeting and it was not answered!?

I know too well the amount of crime, public urination, defecation, vomit and dealing with drug addicted and mentally compromised people has increased greatly in recent years in Livermore.

Natalie you think they only hang out at the church on those days? They don’t! I live next door to the church, I see stuff. I like the way the people that keep commenting don’t live near the church, yet, know what’s really going on over here! They are here all the time! If you want to help them and put them up, share your addresses, and I’ll get them all to you! I don’t see any of you offering shelter for these people, you  are just on here spewing opinions about something you know nothing about. The residents that live around the church know what’s going on. Stop telling us that we don’t! You don’t! You are entitled to your opinions about tiny homes, but stop telling us how to feel about our comfort and  safety while you all live way over there!

I can only imagine what you all deal with over there. It's no wonder so many people are leaving this state.

Just because you're "From here" should not mean you automatically get a Free Home. That would be among the most elitist classist political positions ever. We wouldnt actually take a position like that would we?

Wow, that is absolutely terrible and terrifying. I’m so glad you, your family, and your neighbors were unharmed. I’m hopeful the church was made aware of this and will be held responsible. This should be a stark warning for them in regards to their plan for the tiny houses.

I am so sorry, Laura. What a scary thing to go through.  I agree, our safety is definitely at risk. It’s unfortunate that we are the only ones that can see that.  What’s next? Our safety is at stake here. If they move forward with the Tiny homes, we will have to sell our home because we won’t feel safe. We actually live on a gated street, thought living next door to a church would be safe, nope! They literally bring the criminals to us.

I felt completely creeped out!

Most local Asbury members have no idea of how strong local feelings are against their stupid, dangerous, deceptive, miss guided Asbury tiny housing project.

I agree with your husband 100 we should be keeping our land to grow necessities and resources for our town and keep our community fed and safe.. we have a strong community of people who care about our city and keeping it safe.. I moved to Livermore 14 years ago to raise my children and grow in the small town feel that we have.. not for it to be torn down and turned into a busy dirty city with crime and dangerous..

This disgusts me. I too fail to understand why so many people in this city seem to welcome this homeless problem with open arms. Why is Livermore having and CHOOSING to take on this problem for the entire Tri-Valley? I have witnessed a homeless person harass a musician performing in front of one of our downtown restaurants and just last weekend a clearly very mentally ill homeless person with her shopping cart parked in front of Main Street Designs was "entertaining" all of the runners down on First Street waiting to run the  Livermore Half Marathon. Pretty sad to see that on display for people who came from all over to experience our world class downtown and beautiful wine country. I know my opinion isn't a popular one and I'm going to get verbally assaulted for my so-called lack of compassion, but this has got to stop or we are going to end up in the same boat as San Francisco and Oakland with zombies lying all over our streets openly doing drugs, lining our sidewalks, parks, and trails with more garbage and filth, and making it unsafe to be anywhere. Tiny homes might get some off the street but is it going to change the behaviors? Does that get people off drugs?

I do know when I worked at the airway Starbucks years ago (when it was open all night).. the police from Dublin, Pleasanton, and some of the Sheriffs would drop the homeless or those getting released from Santa Rita off in the parking lot.

I know too well the amount of crime, public urination, defecation, vomit and dealing with drug addicted and mentally compromised people has increased greatly in recent years in Livermore.

Since there are established neighborhoods near Asbury Church, if they want a Tiny Home Project, there should not be any substance abuse allowed there. There should be mandatory substance abuse programs and testing as well as job placement, if not disabled in exchange for housing.

I think the main thing that needs to be addressed by the city right now since “no proposal has been made to the city regarding tiny houses at Asbury” is safety for our citizens. What happened to Laura and Janet should be an extreme concern for all of our officials. This is something that should never happen! The fact that a person cannot feel safe in their own home on their own property because a homeless drug addict is allowed to wander around our neighborhoods is unacceptable. This person should have been arrested when he was found in Janet’s backyard for a second time!!! This is a horrible reflection on our community and our city!

Tiny homes don’t work well. Not sure why they’d want to go that route. Just look at Oakland’s rate of success with permanent housing via tiny homes. It’s not good. A lot of these folks need mandated mental healthcare. Unfortunately, our laws and lack of infrastructure preclude that. I’m so sorry for what you experienced.

I have heard that because Livermore is trying to help our community of homeless that other cities are now picking them up off their streets and dropping them off in Livermore on our streets, knowing our shelter systems are full. Very unfair we try to help our own community and others are taking advantage of the system we are putting in place to clean their cities and we are now becoming a dumping ground and quick solution for them.. but what is now happening to our streets we are trying to keep clean, our children safe to play outside.. and now have homeless all over living on our streets.. I have seen our homeless numbers skyrocket, our break ins double.. our safety is being compromised..

I understand your situation. My sister befriended a homeless guy on a walk with her husband.  Little did they know the guy followed them home and began fixated on them.  Two years of his trespassing and vandalism of their home. All of that abuse for just giving him a bottle of water for him and his dog.  He caused over tens of thousands of dollars of damages to their home, vehicles, and personal property. It also caused my sister severe anxiety.  After many attempts of restraining orders it didn't help alleviate the situation.  Google Hector Molina Fremont CA. He had multiple people he terrorized.

I hope you put a restraining order on him quickly because they tend to come back.

My sister had a hard time because he was homeless.

I'm sorry this has happened to you and your family my daughter is in pre school at the almond center and i often take our family dogs to park there as well ...and you are very right about Asbury and the services the provide drawing sketchy people to surrounding neighborhood ,IL do my part to vote or participate in advocating for the protection of ALL OUR Neighboors and children

The “Tiny Home” projects popping up will undoubtedly end up exactly the same way as the mobile trailers Newsom purchased for the unhoused & now those have sat empty for years in Oakland near a soccer field on the west side (saw those with my own eyes)…albeit a great attempt to alleviate a county wide problem….it was not the answer….as they sit there vacant and tent cities still exist.

Take 15 mins and search the City of Coronado & the Major for his out of the box thinking, its a home run. Helps every1 from homeless, attics, and business owners, property owners whom pay the majority in taxes...this plan was sent to current Major of Livermore and "crickets"

They're absolutely not considering not only the astronomical initial cost, but the ongoing "management" fees of $1,463.50 / month per "tiny house".  This is the amount quoted by the Firm Foundation guy at the meeting ($281,000.00 per year).  So, the math is $281k, divided by 16 houses, divided by 12 months = $1,463.50.  That alone is enough to put up a person in an apartment.  The $3.6M could be used to get these guys off drugs and onto mental health programs.  Solve the real problem!  What happens if an "R" wins the next election and derails the free money train?

I will tell you that one of my friends had an encounter with a homeless woman downtown in Livermore not to long ago. This woman held a knife to my friends throat for no reason. The homeless woman was clearly on drugs and mentally unstable. Luckily, my friend was able to get away but it makes me think, do I want to go downtown with girlfriends at night? Or have my children go down there in the evenings with friends?

it’s sad that some of the people in Livermore are pushing for taking in more homeless and yet the tax paying people that already live here trying to raise families have to deal with the crime that comes with feeding and housing homeless.

If they have a knife & they’re crazy or on drugs??  Wake up. Livermore is in decline, such a shame. I’ve lived her since 1967 so I know what I’m seeing right before my eyes.   Just wait until the hundreds of people   move downtown and the fun begins.

No!!!!! Really?!?! That’s so disappointing! So they move in clean, the drug dealers get wind of this and make that a new stop and before you know it you have a bunch of relapse because there’s no structure or accountability. That’s frickin great. Such an opportunity for something great and constructive. If there’s more meetings on this can someone post that info? Id love to go

Let's do a #FreedomCity of Tiny HOmes straddling the borders of Livermore-Ptown-Dublin. Criminal record not a showstopper, if we can even check. I DO know people w records who have reformed. But no drugs. We will make the new #FreedomCity double as the East Bay K-9 Training Center so there will be K-9s and their partners EVERYWHERE, ya know, training to sniff drugs. All taxpayers get to visit the K-9s.

Get somebody like TuffShed who knows how to build a building for under $50K to build them. And done.

To avoid the #Magnet syndrome, if no job within a year, you get a bus ticket to the destination of your choice where you might FIND a job. After 3 years you pay full market rent or leave.

Meanwhile Our City Council will work to lower utility costs & taxes for ALL of us which will also make it easier for the #FreedomCity Tiny Homes to pay THEIR market rent after 3 years.

And he’s out of jail…just saw him at the bus stop on East Ave and Jensen.

WOW! So much for citizen safety!!! What about it city council members??

It is a nonprofit with far deeper interest that can bill the State, Fed for housing homeless off of the Livermore budget. Livermore only has to supply the already appointed homeless officer. 

Yet, at the very expense of the City of Livermore taxpayers!  The Almond neighbors property values will fall. The neighborhood, as experienced with just one instance, will experience the repercussions of substance abusing, mentally ill people on a larger scale. 

And why? Really no other place?  And when homelessness doesn’t decline then what?  

The City offices have gyms and restrooms, why not allow these people a room there?  City employees use during day and then they offer shelter for night!?

Clearly this garbage of ‘taking care of the homeless, IS NOT WORKING!  Newsome has promised to fix this the last 20’yrs! He pays NO PRICE for being wrong! 

Lawsuits against the people and office making these decisions is what needs to happen!